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Thursday, 31 July 2014

Last day of July Camp NaNoWriMo 2014: 31 July 2014

Well I've made it through another camp, and I am a winner again this time. As always, camp has been so much fun, and I caught up with friends, and I've met new people and gained more experience. I can't wait till tomorrow to collect my winners goodies! 
Camp for me is always a rollercoaster ride of excitement, and feeling a bit nervous, but I always manage to achieve my goals. 
I know that different people work in different ways, and what works for one person does necessarily work for another, but here is my list of tips I would give to other people wanting to do NanoWriMo or Camp   NanoWriMo, based on what works for me:

 Create a novel writing timetable. Which days/ times will you write? When will you relax? When will you catch up with friends, or see that new, blockbuster movie that is just out? As the summer sales are on now, I took a few days out to go to them, and found some good bargains (my latest novel from this time at Camp is based partly on my experiences as a self-confessed shopaholic.) 
We all have our 'off' days, if you do not feel like writing one day, or part of a day DONT: forcing yourself to work when you are not in the mood is not the best for coherent writing or productivity. If you feel so tired, or even ill to concentrate, take the time off but go back to your novel as soon as you feel you can to make up for lost time. 
Good research is to read novels in your genre you may have already or buy some, and see the writing style. 
 Plan your novel , and do the research you need to do for it, AT LEAST a month in advance of the event starting. During  my first NaNoWriMo in November 2013, I spent the first 4 days planning my novel, and completed it on the 18th, as I found out quite by chance the event was on. This system made me feel a little rushed at times, but despite that, I met my target, and won. 
When planning in advance, you feel more relaxed when it comes to the actual event, and have a physical plan of how your novel is going to look which you can refer to  when writing. 
Download a novel planning app, such as the My Story app for iPad. This helps you organise your ideas  Create a detailed profile sheet for each character (names, age, nationality appearance  likes, dislikes, pets, friends, personal traits, hobbies etc) so you can really visualise each character. 
Create a flow chart style diagram of your plot outline in SHORT sentences , this is a quick and easy way to see the sequence of ideas and scenes for your story.  This really helped me as a quick reference guide  You can add detail later or whilst writing, but it is good to get the basic ideas down. 
Know which time of day you work best at, and always try to work at the same time of day. For example, I work best in the mornings, and treat the afternoons and evenings as my relaxation time. 
Always have somewhere to keep your novel notes. I use my iPad and a notebook.
If you don't have an account, create one on the website for each event, and update your profile as soon as you can before the event starting, to have it completed well before cabin assignments begin . If you do have a NaNoWriMo  account, use the login details for that.
Some people may find it is easier to keep track of accounts by creating to separate accounts: one for NaNoWriMo,  and one for Camp NanoWriMo .
Write every day, or, failing that, as many times in a week as you can, but keep the days you write as consecutive as possible in order to miss skipping days, as a day mussed is a day's worth of writing you could have done but didn't. 
Prioritise  what you have to do each day during NanoWriMo or Camp NanoWriMo,  and  decide what you can go without doing that will not affect your concentration or progress during the event.  (Chris Baty has a Time Finder technique in his book No Plot No Problem!) 
 Try your best to reach, or go over, your daily word count every day, not only will this give you some focus for the day, it is a real feeling of accomplishment when you reach the daily target.
For those who like reading, read when you aren't writing.
Buy or download some writing advice books or guides.
Follow on Twitter, follow their blog on and subscribe to their YouTube channel. Like other Facebook pages related to writing or camp or Nano.
Start your own writing blog, Facebook page or website, and chart your progress on it. Post regular updates.
Take regular breaks from writing to do something you enjoy not only will you relax, but here is where the inspiration will come.
If you can't think of what to write, stop until you can

 and finally… have fun! I hope to see you at NaNoWtiMo this november, and also at next year's Camp! 

Friday, 25 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo day 25: 25 July 2014- I an a Camp NanoWriMo winner again

Today I validated my camp National novel writing month novel. As I thought, my word count was fine, and if anything I am really proud to have accomplished camp again. I felt so happy when I pasted my novel into the validation box and hit validate. I have some copies of the winner's certificate saved, and I will get the surprises that I would like from 1 August I have decided that I am going to end off for a free proof copy of my novel, and maybe download some writing software. Just taking part is important, and it was really fun. I am also still editing my other novels in the hope that they can be published soon, or at least the first one. I'm now going to relax for the rest of the day and start back on my other novels tomorrow. This is my second  Camp NaNoWriMo win, meaning I reached my word count on two occasions.   
Feeling happy! 

CAMP NANOWRIMO WINNER'S PAGE : this came up after I'd validated my novel. 

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo day 20: 20 July 2014 41,080 Words

Today was a day of rereading my camp novel and also adding in some other scenes. I managed to do some of my author bio, as well as my dedication and a half title page. This morning, I managed to get some reading in, and I'm now relaxing after a busy day. Tomorrow is the beginning of week four of camp. My current word count is 41,080 words 

Friday, 18 July 2014

What I Have Done At Camp NaNoWriMo Since My Last Blog Post

Well I have been busy this week, and I'm still doing camp, but I am now editing my novel. I decided to not do one post every day, as I have been so busy, but instead just write one post summarising how the last week has been for me
The editing seems to be going well, and my word count has gone up to 39,548 words, and I am half way through proof reading and editing my novel. I have added some extra scenes and detail in, and have done a view rounds of spelling and grammar  checking. I am still keeping things constant, and working every day. There is exactly a week left now until manuscript submissions begin on Friday 25th of July, and I am very glad that, for me, the initial rush of trying to get the first draft of a novel done in a time limit is over, but the exhilaration is still there. I am so glad that I started planning my novel well in advance of camp starting, and I cannot wait to finally submit my novel for word count checking and winning!
I have also spent some time checking in with  the other campers in my virtual 'cabin ' and cheering them on. We can do this,  don't give up! 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 13: 13 July 2014 : My Camp WordCount Finish Line At Last!

Today was a great day and I crossed the Camp NaNoWriMo  finish line. I got up early and dictated for six hours straight before I crossed the finish line at two in the afternoon or stop my word limit for my novel for camp is 35,000 words and so far I have done 35,152 words. I have a few more soon I'd like to play and I would like to work on it a bit more, but at least there is time, as the submission date to verify a word count is not until the 25th of this month. This verification is where the people at the HQ verify word counts by computer to see whether people have met their word counts, and, if they have, they are winners. For now, I'm relaxing and enjoying the rest of the weekend. I was just thinking last night that it would be great if I manage to meet my word count today, and, although it was a lot of work and I'm tired now, it was well worth it. My aim is to do as much as I can before camp finishes at the end of the month. At least I know I have plenty of time:)
I hope you have a great weekend and I will give you another update from camp soon.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 12: 12 July 2014

Hi everyone I hope you're having a great weekend. Today I'm up to over 32,000 words since camp  NaNoWriMo began , so really hope to reach my target very soon. I am going to relax for now and enjoying my weekend. 
More tomorrow

Friday, 11 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 11: 11 July 2014

Almost 25,000 words
Today, I reached almost 25,000 words for my novel, and a lot has happened so far in it. I am planning some more, and hope that tomorrow is as productive as today but I hope to get more done over the weekend. Happy Friday!

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 10: 10 July 2014

Today, I reached 22,000 words, and went slightly over that too. I have been planning for the next scenes too. More tomorrow!

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Giving Disabled Children The Childcare They Deserve


Camp NaNoWriMo Day 9: 9 July 2014,

Today, I reached another milestone, the 20,000 word mark. To be exact, I am now at 23,000 words!  I am amazed how much progress I have made in just nine days . Although there is no way I could do it without using Dragon dictation. I am really into my novel , and the ideas will not stop coming . I hope to do at least another 2 thousand words, if not more, tomorrow . I am now on the 51st page of my novel . 

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Days 7 and 8 : 7 & 8 July 2014

For the last two days, I have been very busy with my novel, and am now half way through it. I reached that point today . That is 18,000 words (41 pages) . I did some interesting scenes today , where 2 of the characters go on a date. I am not sure which part is my favourite part of the novel:  I like it all so far. Going at this pace , I will reach my word count around the middle of this month, maybe a few days after. I am not rushing this, this is the pace  I can get a  first draft of a novel done in if I work every day . I have a feeling I will go over my word count again, but that is all good in my mind. I am very pleased at my ability to think up story lines for my novel, and follow a challenge like this through when many people would not contemplate doing it, or if they did, they'd give up.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Camp NanoWriMo Day 6: 6 July 2014 14,000 Words!

Today I reached 14,000  words  in total for my novel, and also found time to continue reading a book that I'm reading at the moment and it's one that I really like so far. It is called A Stroke of Luck,by Juli  K. Dickson,  and I will blog about it soon. 
More tomorrow! 

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 5: 5th July 2014

Since Camp NaNoWriMo   started, I have dictated over 10,000 words. Today I reached the 10,000 word milestone, and went over it.I introduced another character into my novel and have ideas for the next scenes. I am still enjoying it, and look forward to doing some more a bit later on and definitely tomorrow, and every day until I finish this novel. I am now taking some time out to relax while I think up the next parts of my novel and how they will fit together with the rest of it.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 4: 4 July 2014

I reached over 7,000 words today. I have now dictated 16 pages. Happy 4th of July to everyone I know  who celebrates it. I hope I reach 10,000 words soon. 

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Days 2 and 3 : 2nd and 3rd July 2014

The last two days have been busy , I am at 6,000 words at this point,  it has already gone quite quickly, and I am enjoying it. I completed more character profiles today, and hope to do at least another thousand words tomorrow if not more. I am using the pacing example from No Plot, No Problem! By Chris Baty, the founder of NaNoWriMo. I am still waiting for a proof copy of my first novel , (Spellbrooke)  and hope it is not too long before I can publish it . 
More tomorrow! 

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo July 2014, Day 1 : 1 July 2014

Today was the first day of  July  NaNoWriMo , and I have started off well, and met my word count for the day, and I have gone over it a little. I am pleased, and I feel happy I know what this event is like. I also feel grateful I did it in April too. Last night, I went on www.nnowrimo.org and saw a very interesting thread about character profile sheets so I saved the details and have started working on them. I am colour - coding them  so they look different for each character and to improve ths contrast visually. So far today I have dictated 1,300 words. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. for now, I am off to bed .  As I did in April, I will update every day during Camp . I look forward to telling you all my news ! Good luck to my readers who are also participating! 
Here is my  profile and novel information. My book is a YA/ chick lit novel about a 16-year old called Tiffany . Read this link to find out more ! http://campnanowrimo.org/campers/bookqueen