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Wednesday, 18 February 2015

My Chest Issues Over The Years

As this blog post is the Unconditional Body Beautiful post about chest issues, it's another one that's going to have me writing a lot. Throughout much of my life, I was pretty flat-chested due to my shunt operations having been on some parts of my chest, and therefore the area not developing and growing for years. I was really self-conscious about this, and hoped that one day my chest would fill out. As luck would have it, it has done. I was very self-conscious wearing bikini tops or any kind of clothing that showed my scars.

  I always found nice bras, but because some of my scars are right in the parts of my chest where the underwires of a bra would go, I have never been able to wear underwired bras because they dig into my chest and are incredibly painful for me to wear. I know many women don't find underwired bras comfy. So, I wear nonwired bras which are harder to find but worth it because they are comfortable for me. Over the years, the only shops I have found which sell non-wired bras  are 1) Marks and Spencer. Even then they are fairly expensive, at £16 upwards for a single bra,  and £22 for a 2 pack of bras. However, they are worth every penny because they last me years. 

Here are some I like from their current collection:

Debenhams is a shop I like for some things, but I never would hq e thought of going there. Here are some of their non-wired bras: 

Last but not least, there are just a few in House of Fraser, and they are these: 

More details can be found on the website for each depertment store. I have left out TK Maxx, Topshop and La Senza. I love La Senza for PJs, but they don't stock any non-wired bras, although their bras are gorgeous. I found the same with TK Maxx and Topshop. I'm a total shopaholic, so I really don't mind shopping around for things! You can see my shopping blog at www.disabledshopaholic.blogspot.com.es. 

Now, back to  my chest issues story. 

I can still remember how shocked I was, when, when I was 11 years old, a doctor asked me if I wanted plastic surgery on my chest scars and other scars. I told him I didn't because the scars were a part of me.  I think he was surprised to hear that from me, but I think it's true.Each and every woman has a different chest size, and should be happy with what she has. I know I am! I turned the operation down because by then I had had lots of operations on my shunt which involved my skull, chest and abdomen being opened, and I wasn't in the mood for any more. 

For me, another side to the chest issues I have had in my life started when I was born 3 months prematurely. I had a build up of air between my chest and my lungs and my lungs kept collapsing. I have had tests and I have a lower lung capacity than other people because of the lack of oxygen I had at birth. I have always found it hard to keep colds away, and can have them for weeks (I am trying to get rid of one as we speak). 

Whether I have one or not, things like lying on my side in bed has always made me cough, and I have been told about the importance of posture, so I have a viscoelastic pillow which I love.  
I hope you enjoy this blog post, and find out more about me whilst reading it! I'd say to all those women and girls  out there who think they can't find nice bras to wear because of chest issues, there are lots, you just have to look aroud the high street! I have always been self-conscious about being measured up for bras, but it feels great when I have the right one. I have always been very trend and fashion-conscious, too, so , for me, how I look afterwards outweighs all the feelings of embarrasment I go through when a stranger sees my chest and scars. 
In writing this blog post, as with all the others on this, and my other blogs, I hope my readers will find something positive to take away with them. if you are a girl or woman who has had the same or similar issues that I describe in this blog post, just remember you are not alone. 
I am here for my readers, and just remember that, no matter what shape or size your chest is, we are all beautiful. Society seems to think that women with a large chest are beautiful, while women with a small one are not. I think we all are if we choose the right bra and clothes to suit our shape, and if we value ourselves as much as possible at all times, we can always be beautiful. It's not all about what's on the outside,  it's about the way we feel on the inside,too.