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Sunday 13 July 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 13: 13 July 2014 : My Camp WordCount Finish Line At Last!

Today was a great day and I crossed the Camp NaNoWriMo  finish line. I got up early and dictated for six hours straight before I crossed the finish line at two in the afternoon or stop my word limit for my novel for camp is 35,000 words and so far I have done 35,152 words. I have a few more soon I'd like to play and I would like to work on it a bit more, but at least there is time, as the submission date to verify a word count is not until the 25th of this month. This verification is where the people at the HQ verify word counts by computer to see whether people have met their word counts, and, if they have, they are winners. For now, I'm relaxing and enjoying the rest of the weekend. I was just thinking last night that it would be great if I manage to meet my word count today, and, although it was a lot of work and I'm tired now, it was well worth it. My aim is to do as much as I can before camp finishes at the end of the month. At least I know I have plenty of time:)
I hope you have a great weekend and I will give you another update from camp soon.

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