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Sunday 3 November 2013

A Busy Day Planning My First Novel

Today, I woke up with the conviction I'd work as hard as I could on my novel, and I did do what I could. The day has been filled with planning , and in glad I have my notebook. Out of all the plot lines, I decided I'm going to write a fantasy story about a girl called Casey who has Cerebral Palsy and wished one day to own  a horse. She gets a horse for her birthday. The horse, it turns out, has magic powers and leads her on a whirlwind adventure in a magical land in her quest to get what she has always wanted: to be accepted . 
That's just a rough synopsis. In between thinking of, and planning, my story, I found free word processor software on my iPad , watched a film and had a pizza for dinner. Now, I'll be reading a little before doing more work on my book tomorrow. I have written a few words so far, not the ideal, but I wanted to get a good plan sorted first. I know I should have planned this maybe last month , but I feel like I'm on track now and almost ready to start writing properly. 
I'm VERY excited about this project . 
More tomorrow :) 

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