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Sunday 28 December 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 12: How And Why I Have Grown To Love Writing

Until about  November 2013, I was an avid reader, and still am. 
As a young girl, I promised myself that when I was older I would write a book one day. That day was November 18th 2013 as it turned out. That was the day I officially finished the first draft of my first novel , Spellbrooke. 
After that day I rested up, enjoyed my birthday and Christmas and threw myself into the long, hard editing process ......and I'm still there over a year later. Since then, I  have participated in two other Camp NaNoWriMo events in April and July 2014, and also  another NaNoWriMo, in November 2014. 
So, now, I have 4 novels in various stages under my belt. I have 2 printed and bound, another on its way, and the fourth is still on my computer.  
I love writing albeit using my trusty Dragon Dictation programme because it is a creative thing to do and it is a way of getting my ideas out there. It is also another way of using my passion for words. It is a way of expressing myself. Since I have started writing more I have joined two online critique groups and have had to toughen up when I get critiques.It's a huge learning curve but I love challenges and I write because I enjoy it and because I hope to sell my books. I have not had much luck with finding work in my life because I was seen as sometimes "too skilled" and others "not skilled enough." I did some voluntary work but did not find that challenging or enjoyable. I have had paid jobs but not many and have faced lots of discrimination and negative assumptions abiut my disabilities and abilities.  I decided last year that I would create my own work and that's when I decided to write my first book. I'm so glad I made that decision or else I wouldn't be in the situation I am now. 
My advice to others is: if you have a dream, fight for it. You never know what might happen.


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